Determine your buy-and-build strategy

With a buy-and-build strategy you let your company grow faster by means of acquisitions, often in combination with organic growth. It will enable you to serve international clients, realize various synergies and cost savings and potentially gain access to new technologies. RD+P has extensive experience in guiding companies with their international buy and build strategy.

Benefits of Buy-and-Build

RD+P advises a buy-and-build strategy to entrepreneurs who have a company with a scalable business model. For example, because cross-selling becomes possible, or a certain technology can be rolled out faster because of the greater capacity, or costs can be saved. Buy-and-build is then a means to enable the company to create value.

Critical succesfactors

The success rate of the buy-and-build strategy increases when the following factors are taken into account:

  1. A clear strategy, with an explicit role for buy-and-build to take the company to a higher level.
  2. A clear approach and experience with successful integration of the acquisitions
  3. A motivated management
  4. A scalable business model
  5. Sufficient availability of potential takeover candidates in the market
  6. Sufficient financial resources

Executing a successful buy-and-build strategy requires discipline, planning and patience. RD+P supports its clients in planning and successfully executing buy-and-build strategies. We support Senior Management in determining acquisition targets, acquisition negotiations, acquisition financing and integration. RD+P has a track record in (inter)national and cross-border deals and is happy to make this experience available.

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Do you need support to execute your buy-and-build strategy?

Call us today 

+31 6 21 58 43 45 
